So it's taken me quite a while to get to this point. I'm the kind of person that thinks about doing something and then thinks some more about it and if I'm really intrigued...maybe, just maybe I'll do it.  This is really the first time I've ever really just kinda pushed myself into doing something albeit it's taken me a few months to accomplish. But hey let's not be picky with semantics.

So Step one... quit my job. 

Yeah that was pretty cool although I would've never done it without my husband's wonderful encouragement and support.(can we say brownie points?) It was very surreal quitting, wasn't exactly like I thought it would be (gospel singers cost extra) And then they're was the move which effectively took my mind off everything but just trying to collect ourselves and get into our new place.  I've finally got us pretty nestled into our new place (minus a few vases that didn't make the trip...you will be missed), and have started to get into a bit of a routine, but it isnt easy cuz I now live near Disneyland and have an annual pass. (Yep I'm April and I'm addicted to Disney) And considering how busy it ALWAYS is there I'm not the only one. My days generally go something like this, get up, kinda go back to bed, really get up, make coffee, drink said coffee, get hubby out the door, drink more coffee, take Lola out for some of that fresh air (cough) and sunshine (cuz I now live in my art cave), go online, get semi-inspired, save everything I find to Paint, make another pot of coffee and dive into a project, work till I'm hungry, eat whatever is easy, keep working till I get distracted by mess in house, clean, cook, and finish project till hubby gets home. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.  My life is like my art at this point, a complete work in progress.

Step Two- Start my Business. 

Hmmm woke up this morning and I'm still not CEO of my big conglomerate...something must be wrong with my plan, Should have another discussion with my secretary but shes always relaxing on the job and doesn't take notes very well.  Too bad she's so loyal and kinda adorable...damn.

Starting a business is hard, an art business is even harder.  I mean you put your work out there for people to look at, and  hopefully someone out there thinks that what I've done is worth liking and hopefully-gasp! worth buying. Right now I'm finding what I like to do, where my strengths are and where I'm weaker, not an easy reflection.  I hope I can translate that into a business.  Here's my biggest problem, I generally don't have a one track mind. I like everything and I want to mix everything, but that doesn't necessarily make for good art.  I know there is bound to be trial and error but I really don't want that to be a trend.  I get easily discouraged when things don't go well (another hard reflection-well... at least I'm making progress) but I'm pushing through to find what I love and what loves me back.  In some ways I feel like Alice, reaching for something that may not exist, to a place I really don't know, and where I'm desperate to get to.  This is my chance to follow in Alice's footsteps, to be brave and believe that something else that's weird and wonderful is out there... ready to be discovered and shared. 

So Step Three: Down the Rabbit Hole....

    April Colon

    Born in Cali,
    Married 5 years
    Have 1(Awesome, crazy, too smart for her own good,8lb yorkie) Dog named Lola
    Just quit my 7 year job at an arts and crafts store to do my arts and crafts. Full Time!!!


    September 2012

